A minimalist Chicago pied-à-terre

Posted on Tue, 18 Jun 2024 by KiM

Function and efficiency match style and aesthetics in this minimalist Chicago pied-à-terre.  Intricate plaster moldings and architectural touches original to this beaux-arts apartment serve as the perfect backdrop for a highly curated and intentionally sparse collection of furnishings and objets d’art – which gives this home it’s chic sensibility.  The home, filled only with those collected items most precious to its resident, is a wash in neutrals and natural light – allowing abstract works and sculptural forms to shine and hold court.  Small in footprint, this urban apartment packs a punch larger than spaces multiple times its size.
I spotted this apartment over a year ago and never posted it because I thought it was maybe too minimalist for our audience. But I have not stopped thinking about it so I am finally caving. It’s because of this that I now have an obsession for pewter and recently purchased vintage pewter wall candle sconces (and am holding back my desire to amass a collection of imperfect pewter plates). Michael del Piero forever capturing my attention. Photos: Aimée Mazzenga.

Lari says:

Someone paid perfect attention to tile placement in that bathroom, and it shows.

Dianne says:

I love this. I’m glad you caved, Kim.

Karen says:

This beauty feeds my soul…

Anne says:

Mh mh….like the clean but confortable style.

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